Thursday, January 26, 2012

You are the sunshine of my life

Dear Daniel,
I am your wife, your buddy, your best friend, your companion and your love. No matter where you are, I may not be with you but my thoughts and mind is with you. I will take care of you forever and in heaven we shall meet.

My greatest gift to you is to bring you together with me to heaven when we die. Whether I die first or you, always know that I will be with you all the way through to eternity. On earth, you have nothing to worry about for I will take care of everything, help you in any way I can because I am your loving wife.

Do not worry about anything, In all things bring it up to God and He will take care of you. I take care of your food, your well-being, your job, your life, your money and your happiness. All I ask for is for you to be happy all the time. Do not worry about prison, just spend your time thinking of me and God and your family and Ruby. We all love you. You are the luckiest guy on earth. Be happy always and I love you forever no matter what and I will take care of everything for you. Just leave it to me.

Dear dear