Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Will E.Q help addicts get better?

It is clear that an addict can be in danger of relapse if he is unable to handle himself socially and emotionally. The ability to understand and handle oneself (intrapersonal) and others (interpersonal) makes up social intelligence. This is often lacking in addicts.

“EQ”, or the emotional quotient, is the form of social intelligence that can help the addict to monitor his own emotions and the emotions of others. This information can be used to guide his thinking and actions.

Areas such as the following are important to the addict in recovery:

  • Self awareness
  • managing emotions
  • motivating oneself
  • sense of empathy
  • ability to manage relationships
First of all, an addict acquires intrapersonal skills by learning to observe his actions and recognize his feelings. To cope with internal stressors, the addict needs to handle the different types of emotions he frequently experiences. These include depression, anxiety and anger.Effective handling of these feelings can help him avoid returning to substances as a means of escaping such unpleasant emotions.
Social pressures and interpersonal conflicts on the other hand can be tackled using interpersonal skills. Thus he also needs to develop sensitive to others around him and increase his competence in relating to people.
Another social skill that may be lacking is being assertive. Addicts do report discomfort in situations that require them to make a stand.Therefore it becomes diffecult for them to refuse when offered.... drugs.
Can these EQ Skills be Learnt?
some behavioural groupPrograms that are run by substance abuse counselors train addicts in intrapersonal and interpersonal skills are very useful.I myself has met alot of successfully train Counselors that are ex addict themself
                                                           Written by:Daniel © Daniel