Monday, August 6, 2018

More about networking

Web Servers and the Internet some information 

The Internet is nothing more than a large collection of computers attached to a telecommunications network and a set of protocols that establishes the rules for data to be sent and received by them. Most computers are linked to the Internet through a modem that directs traffic to and from a local phone or cable company. An Internet service provider (ISP) directs the incoming and outgoing data through a local hub to regional hubs.
All the data that makes up a website is located on one or more specialized computers known as servers. Servers can be expensive to purchase and maintain, so companies, known as domain hosts or website hosts, lease server resources to subscribers in return for monthly fees. This allows most anyone to create a website that is available to the public on the World Wide Web (WWW), which is the collective network of all websites in the world that can be accessed through the Internet.
In order for computers to understand each other, universal codes and protocols have been established. One of the most important of these protocols for websites and domain hosting is hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). It is this protocol that allows queries to be sent to specific servers so that the websites on those servers can be accessed.
To direct a request for access from a client computer to a website server, a system of names attached to Internet protocol (IP) addresses is in operation. The physical location of the server of a particular website is embedded in the name, which is also known as the uniform resource locator (URL).

Names and IP Addresses

The first step in acquiring a host is to register a name. These are regulated and maintained by name registrars, which ensure that there is no repetition. The actual registration can be done directly through the registrar but most likely will be done by a third party like a hosting service. They are easily readable by people, but for computers to understand them, domain names have to be linked to binary IP addresses through special servers called domain name servers (DNS). This system allows for a them to be transferred to another server should the webmaster decide to use a different platform.