Thursday, July 7, 2016

A doctor brock my Ring finger

This is how my right finger looks like after being assaulted
By a "doctor"?!! All I did was to ask fo another Option thinking he was a senior physician as I was suffering from an old injury and that pain killer a junior doctor prescribed to me was way to far expensive. He ignored me after repeating politely asking his advice. I than took a photograph of him out of anger and frustration. He than turn violent towards me and even used his arms to "aka" barlock and knock my head causing me to be in shock.He than told me not to perform on the Electone than? I have to confess that I had used the computer anonymously to see my old blog of myself performacing an simple repertoire I composed by myself.  I must now learn to use my hands  for work!!! I am frustrated that no one, even my parents believe this. "Are you crazy Daniel no doctors will do this! , " even after lying I beat him up!!! And this is the fact.
I started learning music when I was 6 years old. I had no formal training but my sisters were given the privilege to learn the piano n the organ. People realize I could correct the mistakes of their mistakes they played and played it by ear note by note. I had only intensive training at the age of 13 years old and made it into the Yamaha music academy Majoring in Electone and minoring in Piano deferring my national service for a few years. I know I am not the only one that took the "blows"!  As Jackson Lau n other professional composers n arrangers pass on... eg. Ismail Iskandar.
I hope im not the last few composers that is still alive in the music industry . I will never forget the time where me, Teacher Tan Kian Wee and Jackson Lau with the others, form an assemble n played in the Singapore Electone Festival. 
Rest in peace Jackson Lau my dear friend and may God bless you. 
                                         Anyway I think he Del the video clip.

Note:Click on the photo to enlarge the form. 
I am now paranoid he will ask a religious leader to put a Hex on me to kill me or make me sick till I die or to fracture another finger or deform my hands. Or even lose my mind
Even my sister Eunice Lim who is an Occupational Therapists DO NOT believe it! .