Sunday, June 26, 2016

I am being tormanted

I am now at home thinking of what to do with my problems. I need to be down to earth and Ahmed my sins. I have to accept. that I have a substance dependence crisis causing me to be depress and redrawn from society and just taking the substance just to feel normal. I have been on
benzodiazepins at a estimation of twenty years which include diazepam and Xanax including my own combination of Codeine and Ephedrine. As one know, with ephedrine, Codeine with than metabolize into morphine by the brain and less of the liver. What I know is that from the amount of years of my dependence my brain's chemistry has been accustomed to the substance. Without the substance, the chemical structure will not be the same. Causing chemical imbalance in the brain and  other complications like being redrawn, irritable ect... and substituting with other drugs just to be able to be funcutionable.