Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Lovely wife.

My lovely Wife
My wife today ...uh..yesterday I mean to be more precise collected my camera from Cannon. I really love her alot because she went all the way to River Valley and collected the camera that was due for collection. We had to pay SGD $200 for the loss of the loaned camera (damn it). I really appreciate that she can go to the extent to River Valley and collect it. I was really touched and happy because no other people be it friends or acquaintances will go all out to do that.
Anyway I am feeling kinda fatigued right now and i am having renaissance music in my head, why not baroque or the renaissance period. Maybe it is due to the feeling I am having right now. Frankly speaking I hate classical music but due to my intensive training in the music academy I was in I had no choice but to learn classical.
Frankly speaking i am now into av avant-garde but people may think I am crazy playing this kind of music as it is not really accepted yet in Singapore.(correct me if I am wrong)
I am Depress.

This is an antidepressant. You can read up the facts by clicking here....(look like I am at my wits end)