Friday, October 31, 2008


Yesterday and today I have not slept and it was because I am having a dispute with my Girlfriend Just over SGD$50Dollars. (Err... the day before yesterday.) Sorry because I am getting disorientated .....I think she is a financial Crises, Because I didn't owe her any money in a way because my Dad had already put SGD$200 in her RHB Bank account to last her a week.(I did take some money from her plus transport 50?) That will be $800 dollars for half a room's rent! I should be staying in her house but I though bring her to my parent's house would be fun. My Dad has also instructed my uncle to give me SGD$40 Dollars daily for my personal necessity for the week. The Day after at about 1000hrs She ask me to follow her home to take some cloths for her daily work...???All in all to concise things she ask me to leave her home and the time was about 0012hrs .I had to go home alone.